

Results (1 - 30) of 66
Photo CHAPTAL, Jean-Antoine. 

First edition of the first work of Chaptal.
First volume, only published.
After three years spent in Paris (1777-1780), Chaptal was offered in 1780 a chair of chemistry at the Royal Society of Sciences of Montpellier.
"It was from this moment that Chaptal's brilliant career in science began.
The revolution in chemistry was at hand. However, the old doctrine of phlogiston still prevailed and it was this doctrine that Chaptal taught at first and in his first courses that he took up in his first work. He then quickly rallied to the ideas developed by Lavoisier. "(Flourens. Eloge de Chaptal. 1835)
Rare (missing from the main collections on chemistry : Duveen, Ferguson, Neville ...)

Bound with :
- POULLE. Positiones chemico-medicae de Aere Vitali. Montpellier, Picot, 1784. 64 pages (a lack in the margin of page 41). Rare work on the chemical and medical properties of oxygen and its preparation. First edition.
- BERTHOLON. Des avantages que la physique et les arts qui en dépendent peuvent retirer des globes aérostatiques...Montpellier, Jean Martel Aîné, 1784. 82 pages. First edition.
- LAFFECTEUR. Rapport sur l'analyse du Rob Antisyphillitique. 1779. Ph. D. Pierres, Paris. 24 pages. First edition.
- GUER. [Dissertation physique & botanique sur la maladie nephretique et sur son véritable spécifique, le Raisin d'Ours]. 1768, Bauer, Strasbourg. 98 pages and 1 folding plate. Bound without the title page and the privilege.
- GOUBERT. Description et usage des baromètres, thermomètres et autres instrumens météorologiques. 1781. Jombert, Paris. 52 pages and 1 folding table. First edition

A presentation copy to the botanist of Dijon Jean-François Durande, for the second work (Poulle).

Results (1 - 30) of 66
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