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RESAL, Henry Aimé.
Exposition de la théorie des surfaces.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1891.
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60 €
First edition.
Henry Résal (1828-1896), was professor of mechanics at the École polytechnique.
Fourier Series.
Cambridge, University press, 1950.
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30 €
Second edition.
ANDRE, Désiré.
Des Notations mathématiques énumération, choix et usage.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1909.
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40 €
First edition.
Désiré André (1840-1917), is a French mathematician, known in particular for his work on Catalan numbers and alternating permutations.
Presentation copy.
Calcul des probabilités.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1907.
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60 €
Second edition.
Joseph Louis François Bertrand (1822-1900), is a French mathematician, economist and historian of science. He will be professor of analysis at the École polytechnique, lecturer in differential and integral calculus at the École Normale Supérieure and professor holding the chair of physics and mathematics at the Collège de France.
BOREL, Emile.
Leçons sur les fonctions méromorphes professées au collège de France.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1903.
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30 €
First edition.
In the collection of monographs on the theory of functions published under the direction of M. Emile Borel
Emile BOREL (1871-1956) French mathematician, professor at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris. He was a specialist in the theory of functions and probability. In 1922 he founded the Statistical Institute of the University of Paris and in 1928 the Henri-Poincaré Institute.
BOREL, Emile.
Leçons sur la Théorie des fonctions.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1898.
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50 €
First edition.
Émile Borel was a French mathematician. He was known for his founding work in the areas of measure theory and probability.
In this important book, Borel developped the concept of mesurable sets introduced by Jordan. Mesurable sets are the foundation of the Lebesgues integration theory and of the modern probability.
BOREL, Emile.
Leçons sur les séries divergentes.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1901.
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30 €
First edition.
In the collection of monographs on the theory of functions published under the direction of M. Emile Borel
Emile BOREL (1871-1956) French mathematician, professor at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris. He was a specialist in the theory of functions and probability. In 1922 he founded the Statistical Institute of the University of Paris and in 1928 the Henri-Poincaré Institute.
BOREL, Emile.
Méthodes et problèmes de Théorie des fonctions.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1922.
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25 €
First edition.
In the collection of monographs on the theory of functions published under the direction of M. Emile Borel
Emile BOREL (1871-1956) French mathematician, professor at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris. He was a specialist in the theory of functions and probability. In 1922 he founded the Statistical Institute of the University of Paris and in 1928 the Henri-Poincaré Institute.
BOREL, Emile || JULIA, Gaston.
Leçons sur les fonctions monogènes uniformes d'une variables complexes.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1917.
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30 €
First edition.
Emile BOREL (1871-1956) French mathematician, professor at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris. He was a specialist in the theory of functions and probability. In 1922 he founded the Statistical Institute of the University of Paris and in 1928 the Henri-Poincaré Institute.
BOREL, Emile || CHERON, André.
Théorie mathématique du Bridge à la portée de tous.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1940.
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100 €
First edition.
Emile BOREL (1871-1956) French mathematician, professor at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris. He was a specialist in the theory of functions and probability. In 1922 he founded the Statistical Institute of the University of Paris and in 1928 the Henri-Poincaré Institute.
BOREL, Emile.
Leçons sur les fonctions de variables réelles et les développements en séries de polynomes.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1905.
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40 €
First edition.
Emile BOREL (1871-1956) French mathematician, professor at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris. He was a specialist in the theory of functions and probability. In 1922 he founded the Statistical Institute of the University of Paris and in 1928 the Henri-Poincaré Institute.
BOREL, Emile.
Leçons sur les fonctions de variables réelles et les développements en séries de polynomes.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1928.
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30 €
Second edition.
Emile BOREL (1871-1956) French mathematician, professor at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris. He was a specialist in the theory of functions and probability. In 1922 he founded the Statistical Institute of the University of Paris and in 1928 the Henri-Poincaré Institute.
BOREL, Emile.
Leçons sur les fonctions entières.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1921.
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50 €
Second edition.
Emile BOREL (1871-1956) French mathematician, professor at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris. He was a specialist in the theory of functions and probability. In 1922 he founded the Statistical Institute of the University of Paris and in 1928 the Henri-Poincaré Institute.
BOREL, Emile.
Leçons sur la théorie des fonctions (éléments et principes de la théorie des ensembles; applications à la théorie des fonctions).
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1914.
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100 €
Second edition.
Emile BOREL (1871-1956) French mathematician, professor at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris. He was a specialist in the theory of functions and probability. In 1922 he founded the Statistical Institute of the University of Paris and in 1928 the Henri-Poincaré Institute.
Presentation copy.
LEROY, Charles-François-Antoine.
Analyse appliquée à la Géométrie des trois dimensions comprenant les surfaces du second degré, avec la théorie général des surfaces courbes et des lignes à double courbure.
Bachelier, Paris, 1829.
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150 €
First edition.
Charles-François-Antoine Leroy (1780-1854) was professor of geometry at the École polytechnique.
LE BLOND, Guillaume.
L'Arithmétique et la géométrie de l'officier, contenant la théorie et la pratique de ces deux sciences, appliquées aux différens emplois de l'homme de guerre.
Paris, C.-A. Jombert, 1748.
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350 €
First edition.
Guillaume Le Blond (1704-1781), was professor of mathematics for the pages of the great stable of the king, then of the Children of France.
Book devoted to the use of mathematics in the army, the set is complete of the Essay on castrametation published as a follow-up to the Arithmetic and the geometry of the officer.
CAUCHY, Augustin Louis.
Résumés analytiques.
Turin, Imprimerie royale, 1833.
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1500 €
First edition.
Publication of Cauchy while he was in exile in Turin, his opposition to the July Monarchy having in effect closed him access to teaching posts in France.
He summarizes here his courses in algebraic analysis.
REYNAUD, Antoine André Louis.
Trigonométrie analytique, précédée de la théorie des logarithmes, et suivie des tables de logarithmes des nombres et des lignes trigonométriques.
Lyon, Courcier, 1805.
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45 €
Recueils d'Epures.
s.l., s.n., 1837-1839.
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650 €
Collection of drawings, by Jules Thimothé Chauvisé (X 1837 ; 1817-????).
The structure of these drawing as taught at the Ecole Polytechnique is often the same, with parts more or less developed, and drawings more or less elaborate according to the times and students.
We thus find drawings of curves, surfaces, perspectives, shadows, stone cut, architecture, machine and gears, topography and fortifications.
CARNOT, Lazare.
Réflexions sur la métaphysique du calcul infinitésimal.
Paris, Duprat, 1797.
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850 €
Rare first edition, complete with the folding plate.
RIVARD, Dominique-François.
Elémens de géométrie, avec un abrégé d'arithmétique et d'algèbre.
Paris, Claude Jombert & Henry, 1732.
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300 €
First edition.
BOSSUT, Charles.
Traités de calcul différentiel et de calcul intégral.
Paris, Imprimerie de la République, An VI [1798].
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750 €
First edition.
Interesting preliminary text of 80 pages on the history of differential and integral calculus.
A reference texbook on the subject.
Sur les Rapports de la physique expérimentale et de la physique mathématique.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1900.
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600 €
First edition.
Offprint of this very interesting article on epistemology by Henri Poincaré in which he analyzes the relationship between the mathematical laws of physics and the data of experience: When should one be right in one and wrong in the other?
In this report which was presented to the International Congress of Physics in 1900, Poincaré discusses there in particular at the end of the text the Lorentz equations which make it possible to analyze certain physical facts but not all, which will be decided by Einstein a few years later with his special theory of relativity.
This debate is still an issue for modern physics about dark matter, should we change physical theories or improve our measurement capabilities?.
PASCAL, Blaise.
Oeuvres de Blaise Pascal.
La Haye [Paris], Detune, 1779.
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2500 €
The first and sole ancient collective edition, partially original.
Published by Bossut, this edition is illustrated with a portrait and 14 plates.
Among the unpublished there are many "pensée", writings on Grace, the Treaty of vacuum and and extensive correspondence.
Volumes IV and V contain the scientific works.
We found the second printing of the describing of invention of the computing machine of Descartes (TIV, pages 7-30). The first edition, certainly printed by the author, is unobtainable (only two copies known).
Also of interest here is the reprint of Pascal's 1654 paper introducing his triangle of binominal coefficients (Pascal's Triangle), included in Volume V, pages 1-54. Pascal's invention "predated the concepts of computation of the values of polynomial functions by differences.".
Traité du jeu, où l'on examine les principales questions de droit naturel et de morale qui ont du rapport à cette
Amsterdam, Pierre Humbert, 1709.
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750 €
First edition.
Philosophical dissertation around the game, its dangers and its abuses all the moral, economic and social facets related to the practice of games are discussed. Barbeyrac writes at a key moment when the notion of chance (behind which hides divine intervention) gradually gives way to what will become a theory of games and probabilities.
Traité du mouvement des eaux coulantes et jaillissantes. Avec un traité préliminaire du mouvement général.
Paris, PIssot, 1725.
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750 €
First edition.
Posthumous work published by Abbé Pujol, pupil of Varignon. Pierre Varignon was the first to use differential calculus in certain areas of physics. He is one of the fathers of modern kinematics.
Elemens de Mathématique de monsieur Varignon.
Paris, Pierre-Michel Brunet, 1731.
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850 €
First edition, posthumoustly published of this work. This is an introduction to algebra and geometry based on Varignon's courses given at the College Mazarin.
Varignon (1654-1722), member of the Académie des Sciences and one of the outstanding scientist of his time, was an intimate friend of Newton, Leibniz, and Bernoullis. He demonstrated the principle of the parallelogram of forces simultaneously with and independently of Newton. He was the first French scientist of note to advocate the new differential calculus.
JAUBERT, Antoine.
Traité abrégé de l'Arithmétique.
Brignolle, s.n., 1780.
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300 €
Manuscript written by Antoine Jaubert in Brignolle in 1780 student of "Sieur Voisin, master in this matter".
To the arithmetic (operations, rule of three, etc.) is added a small treatise on mesuring.
Nice 18th century writing still legible.
Journal de Mathématiques élémentaires (27 volumes).
Paris, Vuibert et Nony, 1887-1907.
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600 €
First editions.
Journal of mathematics gathering problems proposed by professors or annals of examinations and competitions (aggregation, general competition, baccalaureate, schools (naval type, Saint Cyr, mines of Saint Etienne, agriculture ...).
27 volumes of issues from 1887 to 1907.
Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique publié par le conseil d'instruction.
Paris, Gauthier et fils, 1893-1900.
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150 €
First editions. Years 1893,1894,1897,1898,1900 and 1901.
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