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Journal de l'Ecole Royale Polytechnique.
Paris, Bachelier, 1843-1845.
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100 €
First edition.
Years 1843 and 1834 of publication of the Journal of the Royal Polytechnic School. There are scientific articles by professors from the School of the day:.
[CLERMONT, Sieur de].
La Géométrie pratique de l'ingénieur, ou l'art de mesurer [...] dédié à Monsieur de Vauban.
Strasbourg, Fr. G. Schmuck, 1693.
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550 €
First edition.
"Clermont" wrote on the title page, like other copies of these edition.
Clermont, artilleryman and military engineer, dedicated his geometry book to Vauban. We understand this dedication on reading the eighth part of the book, which is entirely dedicated to the construction of fortresses. Vauban then supervised in France the construction of dozens of fortifications with clearly recognizable models.
Clermont explains to us the geometry allowing us to trace the famous Vauban fortresses.
BEZOUT, Etienne.
Cours de mathématiques à l'usage des gardes du pavillon et de la marine.
Paris, Ph-D Pierres, 1781-1784.
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500 €
Rare complete course of Bezout containing the four parts, the continuation of the fourth part and the treaty of navigation.
Part 1 and 2 are bound together in the first volume. Complete with the 38 engravings.
"Native of Nemours, professor of mathematics with the guards of the Navy and the School of artillery (Monge succeeded him in 1783), Étienne Bézout (or Bezout, as very often said and written nowadays) edited many textbooks educational. " (chronomath).
Epures de Géométrie descriptive.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1847].
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200 €
Collection of drawings, by Marie Henri Ernest Bardonnaut (X 1847).
GINAC, Joseph Gaspard.
Recueil d'Arithmétique.
Marseille, s.n., 1747.
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750 €
Amusing arithmetic manuscript dotted with naive polychrome drawings.
The difficulty in learning mathematical operations in a non-decimal system (ounces, pounds ...) was to encourage Joseph Gaspard Ginac to distract himself with small drawings.
TAYLOR, Brook|| MURDOCH, Patrick.
Nouveaux principes de la perspective linéaire [...] avec un essai sur le mélange des couleurs par NEWTON.
Lyon, Bruyset, 1759.
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600 €
Second edition in french given by the Jesuit Antoine Rivoire of two treatises on perspective.
Taylor's book is considered in its day to be one of the best books on perspective.
NEWTON, Isaac.
La Méthode des fluxions et des suites infinies.
Paris, De Bure l'ainé, 1740.
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2000 €
First french edition.
Buffon's translation of Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series published a few years earlier. It is one of the last treatises on which Newton worked to explain the method of calculation used in his Principia. The fluxion method is the Newtonian solution of differential calculus problems. It is the counterpart of the method of infinitely small developed by Leibniz.
The fluxion method places Newton among the fathers of infinitesimal calculus.
OZANAM, Jacques.
Méthode de lever les Plans et les Cartes de terre et de mer avec toutes sortes d'instrumens, et sans instrumens.
Paris, Michallet, 1693.
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650 €
Rare first edition.
In addition to detailing the geometric methods of surveying, Ozanam describes the composition and use of the material specific to the surveyors of the time: copper plank, compass, Huygens level.
Traité des fluxions.
Paris, Charles-Antoine Jombert, 1749.
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3500 €
First french edition.
Mathematical defense of Newton's work against the Berkeley attacks, Maclaurin also proposes there a particular use of the Taylor theorem which is since called Taylor-Maclaurin formula and the first test of convergence of an infinite series.
NEWTON, Isaac.
La Méthode des fluxions et des suites infinies.
Paris, De Bure l'ainé, 1740.
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2500 €
First french edition.
Buffon's translation of Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series published a few years earlier. It is one of the last treatises on which Newton worked to explain the method of calculation used in his Principia. The fluxion method is the Newtonian solution of differential calculus problems. It is the counterpart of the method of infinitely small developed by Leibniz.
The fluxion method places Newton among the fathers of infinitesimal calculus.
PASCAL, Blaise.
Oeuvres de Blaise Pascal.
La Haye [Paris], Detune, 1779.
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1500 €
First and only old collective edition,
Published by Bossut, this edition is illustrated with a portrait and 14 plates.
Among the unpublished there are many "pensée", writings on Grace, the Treaty of vacuum and and extensive correspondence.
Volumes IV and V contain the scientific works.
We found the second printing of the describing of invention of the computing machine of Descartes (TIV, pages 7-30). The first edition, certainly printed by the author, is unobtainable (only two copies known).
Also of interest here is the reprint of Pascal's 1654 paper introducing his triangle of binominal coefficients (Pascal's Triangle), included in Volume V, pages 1-54. Pascal's invention "predated the concepts of computation of the values of polynomial functions by differences.".
SIMPSON, Thomas.
Elémens de géométrie traduits de l'anglois.
Paris, Vincent, 1755.
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200 €
Rare first edition in french of the ' Element of Plane geometry ' of Thomas Simpson.
Mathematician, Simpson. was the son of a weaver.
On 1743, he was appointed professor of mathematics at the Royal Academy at Woolwich, and on 1745 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society.
His ' Element of Plane geometry ' were a bestseller with 6 London editions between 1714 and 1821, five at Paris, and one at Amsterdam.
FRANCOEUR, Louis Benjamin.
Géodésie ou traité de la figure de la Terre et de ses parties.
Paris, Bachelier, 1840.
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120 €
Second edition.
Lessons given at the Faculty of Sciences of Paris including topography, surveying, leveling, terrestrial and astronomical geomorphy, construction of maps, navigation.
STONE, Edmund.
Analise des infiniments petits comprenant le calcul intégral dans toute son étendue; avec son application aux quadratures, rectifications, cubatures, centres de gravité, de percussion, &c. de toutes sortes de courbes.
Paris, Julien Michel Gandouin, 1735.
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900 €
First edition in French.
Translation in French by Rondet of the Method of Fluxions published in English in 1730.
Stone participated in the spread of differential calculus in Europe following Leibniz, Bernouilli and L'Hospital.
In this book Stone continues the work of the Marquis de L'Hospital on the infinitesimal calculus.
The long introductory speech written by Louis-Bertrand Castel is devoted to Stone and the history of this completely innovative method of calculation.
Cours de géométrie descriptive de l'école polytechnique comprenant les éléments de la géométrie cinématique.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1880.
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75 €
First edition.
ROUCHE, Eugène || DE COMBEROUSSE, Charles.
Eléments de Géométrie conformes aux derniers programmes officiels, renfermant un grand nombre d'exercices.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1881.
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50 €
Handwritten dedication on half title.
N.H Abel. Sa vie et son œuvre.
Paris, Gauthiers Villars, 1906.
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50 €
Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) is a Norwegian mathematician. Like Galois at the same time, he died young but left a considerable body of work.
"He is known for his work in mathematical analysis on the semiconvergence of numerical series, sequences and series of functions, on the convergence criteria of generalized integral and on the notion of elliptic integral; in algebra, on the resolution of equations . " (Accromath).
JOURDANET, Jean-Pierre.
Traité d'Arithmétique destiné aux élèves de l'enseignement secondaire classique et moderne, de l'enseignement primaire supérieur, des écoles normales d'instituteurs.
Paris, A. Hermann, 1892.
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50 €
First edition.
Traité synthétique des Lignes du I. & du II. genre ou Elémens de Géométrie dans l'Ordre de leur génération. Ces Lignes sont la Ligne Droite, le Cercle, l'Ellipse, la Parabole, & l'Hyperbole.
Paris, Veuve Brocas, 1741.
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250 €
Joseph Privat de Molières (1676-1742), french physician and mathematician, raised to the rank of associé in the Academy in 1729 and became fellow of the Royal Society of London in the same year.
A major figure in the protracted struggle against the importation of Newtonian science into France, Privat de Molières devoted his career to developing and improving Cartesian physics.
Rare mathematical work from Privat de Molières, a resale from the first edition with only a new title page and the cartons described in the collation.
DULONG, Pierre || PETIT, Alexis.
Recherches sur quelques points importans de la théorie de la chaleur (publiés dans Annales de Chimie et de physique - Tome X).
Paris, Crochard, 1819.
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650 €
First edition.
Research of prime importance in which the authors experimentally measure the specific heats of many compounds which will allow them to deduce what will become the law of Dulong and Petit which links molar mass and heat capacity and the constant of ideal gases.
In the same volume another important scientific publication: Fresnel, Memoir on the action that polarized rays of light exert on each other. Major Fresnel work.
And a Fourier paper on insurances.
There are also articles by Breguet (precision of a tourbillon chronometer and astronomical measuring tool, the plate illustrating this invention is missing), Pelletier (discovery of strychnine).
MONTUCLA, Jean Etienne.
Histoire des Mathématiques, dans laquelle on rend compte de leur progrès depuis leur origine jusqu'à nos jours; où l'on expose le tableau et le développement des principales découvertes dans toutes les parties des Mathématiques, les contestations qui se sont élevées entre les Mathématiciens, et les principaux traits de la vie des plus célèbres.
Paris, Henri Agasse, 1799-1802.
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1500 €
Most complete edition in 4 volumes.
The first edition was published in 2 volumes, Montucla was to complete it with a third but died before its publication. It is Jérôme De La Lande who will finally publish the last two volumes according to Montucla's notes.
A reference on the history of mathematics.
MONGE, Gaspard.
Géométrie descriptive. Leçons données aux écoles normales, l'An 3 de la république.
Paris, Baudouin, An VII [1799].
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950 €
First edition, first issue with the errata at the verso of page vii.
"Monge is regarded as the creator of descriptive geometry, for 'it ws he who elegantly and methodically converted the group of graphical procedures used by practionners into a general uniform technique based on simple an rigorous reasoning and methods ...Monge's systematic use of cylindrical projection and, more discreetly, that of central projection, opened the way to the parallel creation of projective and modern geometry' (DSB). It was primarily through Monge's teachings, both at the ephemeral École de l'an III and the École Polytechnique, that descriptive geometry, analytical geometry and differential geometry were established as special fields".(Norman).
94 planches.
s.l., s.n., 1834-1835.
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350 €
Collection of mathematical and architectural drawing of a student (Frenet), in the style of the drawings taught at the Ecole Polytechnique, with a first set of plates for the curved part, surfaces, perspectives, shadows (78 boards) and 16 plates on architecture.
MARIE, Maximilien.
Théorie des fonctions de variables imaginaires.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, [1874-1876].
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200 €
First edition.
Maximilien Marie (1819-1891), polytechnician (X 1838) then tutor and examiner at the Ecole Polytechnique.
TI: New analytical geometry
TII: Application of the method to the general theory of functions
TIII: History of this work.
The third volume is particularly unusual at this time, it engages in a scientific autobiography in which we can see the progress of his thought and the construction of his mathematical theory.
Autograph dedication of the author to Eugène Rolland (X 1830) the inventor of the roaster, on the title of volume I and the false title page of volume II.
we attach:
MARIE, New theory of functions of imaginary variables, Paris, Mallet-Bachelier, [v. 1862]
(4) -28 pages. in-8 paperback, cover split on the back.
Extract from the article on the functions of imaginary variables published in the "Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics published by M. Liouville" which is a precursor to those published in the previous work.
OZANAM, Jacques.
Cours de Mathématiques qui comprend toutes les parties de cette Science les plus utiles & les plus nécessaires à un homme de Guerre, & à tous ceux qui se veulent perfectionner dans les Mathématiques.
Paris, Jean Jombert, 1693.
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1150 €
First edition.
Full course of 5 volumes and impressive iconographic support in 204 plates.
Beyond purely mathematical treatises on geometry, arithmetic and trigonometry we find a treatise on gnonomics, a treatise on fortification, the sine and logarithm tables.
LACROIX, Sylvestre-François.
Traité élémentaire de trigonométrie rectiligne et sphérique, et d'application de l'algèbre à la géométrie.
Paris, Duprat, An VII [1798].
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280 €
First edition
Sylvestre-François Lacroix (1765-1843) is a French mathematician best known for his work on differential and integral calculus. He assists Monge in writing the descriptive geometry course given at the École normale de l'an III.
BRILLAT, Charles || BAZAINE, Pierre.
Métrologie française, ou traité du système métrique d'après la fixation définitive de l'unité linéaire fondamentale.
Paris, Levrault frères, An X [1802].
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300 €
First edition.
The harmonization and rationalization of measurement systems was an important reform brought about by the French Revolution. This results in the adoption of the decimal system and the definition of the standard meter according to the measurement of the meridians.
"Thus the whole system of new measurements is based on the following two bases: 1 / The fundamental unit (the prototype) is the distance from the pole to the equator. 2 / The number ten is the unique divisor." (extract from the preliminary speech)
Brillat et Bazaine's work presents the new measurement system, as well as the equivalences with the old measurements. Following is the new Decimal scale for traders.
Nouveaux élémens de Mathématiques ou principes généraux de toutes les sciences.
Paris, André Pralard, 1694.
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400 €
Third edition.
Mathematician and Oratorian priest, Jean Prestet (1648-1690) remains famous for his Elements of Mathematics in which he notably delivers precursory works on the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.
OZANAM, Jacques.
Récréations mathématiques et physiques, qui contiennent plusieurs problèmes d'arithmétique, de géométrie, de musique, d'optique, de gnomonique, de cosmographie, de mécanique, de pyrotechnie, & de physique. Avec un traité des horloges élémentaires.
Paris, Claude Jombert, 1723.
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900 €
New edition, revised, corrected and augmented since the first one published in 1694.
The first edition with 136 plates.
This book on mathematics and physics deals with various problems in arithmetic, geometry, music, optics, gnomonics, cosmography, mechanics, acoustics, pyrotechnics, physics, water clocks, natural phosphors, perpetual lamps, etc.
MAUDUIT, Antoine.
Leçons de géométrie théorique et pratique.
Paris, Didot et Bleuet, 1790.
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150 €
Mauduit's purpose stated in the preface was:
"to compose a work more especially dedicated to all those who are destined to the military or civil genius, and the architecture, which embraces all the arts which it directs and which it animates.".
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