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LACROIX, Sylvestre-François.
Traité élémentaire de trigonométrie rectiligne et sphérique, et d'application de l'algèbre à la géométrie.
Paris, Duprat, An VII [1798].
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280 €
First edition
Sylvestre-François Lacroix (1765-1843) is a French mathematician best known for his work on differential and integral calculus. He assists Monge in writing the descriptive geometry course given at the École normale de l'an III.
BRILLAT, Charles || BAZAINE, Pierre.
Métrologie française, ou traité du système métrique d'après la fixation définitive de l'unité linéaire fondamentale.
Paris, Levrault frères, An X [1802].
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300 €
First edition.
The harmonization and rationalization of measurement systems was an important reform brought about by the French Revolution. This results in the adoption of the decimal system and the definition of the standard meter according to the measurement of the meridians.
"Thus the whole system of new measurements is based on the following two bases: 1 / The fundamental unit (the prototype) is the distance from the pole to the equator. 2 / The number ten is the unique divisor." (extract from the preliminary speech)
Brillat et Bazaine's work presents the new measurement system, as well as the equivalences with the old measurements. Following is the new Decimal scale for traders.
Nouveaux élémens de Mathématiques ou principes généraux de toutes les sciences.
Paris, André Pralard, 1694.
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400 €
Third edition.
Mathematician and Oratorian priest, Jean Prestet (1648-1690) remains famous for his Elements of Mathematics in which he notably delivers precursory works on the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.
MARTIN, Roger.
Elémens de mathématiques, à l'usage des écoles de philosophie du collège royal de Toulouse, ouvrage servant à d'introduction à l'étude des sciences physico-mathématiques.
Toulouse, J.J. Robert, 1781.
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First edition.
Mathematics lesson given by Father Martin, Toulouse mathematician, member of the Toulouse Academy of Sciences.
"This work should serve as an introduction to the study of the Physico-Mathematical Sciences, as we can teach them in an ordinary course in Philosophy; we have tried to bring together all the principles of calculation & Geometry, may need in this kind of education. " (extract from the warning).
OZANAM, Jacques.
Récréations mathématiques et physiques, qui contiennent plusieurs problèmes d'arithmétique, de géométrie, de musique, d'optique, de gnomonique, de cosmographie, de mécanique, de pyrotechnie, & de physique. Avec un traité des horloges élémentaires.
Paris, Claude Jombert, 1723.
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900 €
New edition, revised, corrected and augmented since the first one published in 1694.
The first edition with 136 plates.
This book on mathematics and physics deals with various problems in arithmetic, geometry, music, optics, gnomonics, cosmography, mechanics, acoustics, pyrotechnics, physics, water clocks, natural phosphors, perpetual lamps, etc.
MAUDUIT, Antoine.
Leçons de géométrie théorique et pratique.
Paris, Didot et Bleuet, 1790.
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150 €
Mauduit's purpose stated in the preface was:
"to compose a work more especially dedicated to all those who are destined to the military or civil genius, and the architecture, which embraces all the arts which it directs and which it animates.".
CROUSAZ, Jean-Pierre de.
La Géométrie des Lignes et des Surfaces Rectilignes et Circulaires.
Amsterdam, Veuve de Paul Marret, 1718.
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200 €
Rare first edition of the work on geometry.
Crousaz was professor of philosophy and mathematics at the Académie of Lausanne from 1700 until 1724,and he was nominated to the Académie des Sciences in 1725.
As the second part bound in our first volume is incomplete of on plate and all preliminary leaves, we joint the second part, complete, in an other volumes we had in our stock.
FARAVEL, Antoine.
Le Vray Sommaire d'Arithmétique par lequel on peut faire avec trés-grande facilité, promptitude, certitude tous comptes nécessaires, beaucoup plus aisément qu'il n'a été encore montré.
Lyon, Michel Talebard, 1657.
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Rare first edition.
DUPORCQ, Ernest.
Premiers principes de géométrie moderne à l'usage des élèves de mathématiques spéciales et des candidats à la licence et à l'aggrégation.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1912.
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30 €
Second edition augmented by Raoul Bricard.
Principes de la Géométrie Analytique.
Douai, Alf. Robaut, 1866-1870.
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500 €
First edition
Complete two volumes: Plane Geometry (1866) and Geometry of Space (in two parts joined: 1869 and 1870).
Louis Félix Painvin (1826-1875), an associate professor of mathematics, practiced at the Lycée de Douai, a city where he had these principles of analytic geometry printed.
Fine paper printing is like a handwritten course, which makes it easy to insert figures and equations into the text.
In 1872, Painvin replaced Darboux at Lycée Louis Le Grand.
Works whose circulation was probably limited and found very rarely.
CHASLES, Michel.
Aperçu historique de l'origine et le développement des méthodes en géométrie particulièrement de celles qui se rapportent à la géométrie moderne.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1889.
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100 €
Third edition
First book of the mathematician Chasles (1793-1880) published in original edition in 1837. This third edition is a reissue "compliant with the first" published posthumously.
Principes et développements de Géométrie cinématique.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1894.
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130 €
First edition.
Amédée Mannheim (1831-1906), professor at the Ecole Polytechnique is notably the inventor of the slide rule in its modern form.
Géométrie de direction.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1869.
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75 €
First edition
Paul Serret (1827-1898) professeur de mathématiques français.
KOENIGS, Gabriel.
Leçons de cinématique professées à la Sorbonne - Cinématique théorique.
Paris, Librairie scientifique A. Hermann, 1897.
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80 €
First edition.
Gabriel Koenigs (1858-1931) mathematician was appointed professor of mechanics at the Sorbonne in 1895. In the preface he says he planned another volume on applied kinematics, but this part has apparently never been published.
DEAUX, Roland.
Introduction to the geometry of complex numbers.
New York, Frederick Ungar, 1956.
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30 €
Translated by Howard Eves
Handwritten ex dono by the author to Colonel Monseau, he adds in addition to the pen on the front page a dedication to his deceased wife.
DARBOUX, Gaston.
De l'Emploi des fonctions elliptiques dans la théorie du quadrilatère plan.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1879.
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250 €
Offprint from the Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, 2nd series, TIII, 1879
Gaston Darboux (1842-1917) is a French mathematician, he succeeds in 1878 to Chasles at the chair of geometry superior of the faculty of sciences of Paris.
DESBOVES, Adolphe.
Questions de trigonométrie rectiligne : méthodes et solutions avec plus de 500 exercices proposés.
Paris, Ch. Delagrave, 1877.
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30 €
First edition
The autor was professor at Lycée Condorcet.
Recherches sur les surfaces réglées tétraédrales symétriques.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1867.
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300 €
First edition
With notes by Arthur Cayley.
Jules de la Gournerie (1814-1883) engineer of bridges and roads and mathematician, was professor at the Ecole Polytechnique then at the conservatory of arts and trades where he will hold the chair of descriptive geometry.
PICQUET, Louis Henry.
Etude géométrique des systèmes ponctuels et tangentiels de sections coniques.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1872.
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150 €
First edition
Louis Henry Picquet (1845-1864) was a professor and examiner at the École Polytechnique.
Leçons de cinématique.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars et Cie, 1926-1927.
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75 €
First edition.
Complete of the two volumes, the first devoted to theoretical kinematics, the second dedicated to applied cinematics.
ANGOT, André.
Compléments de mathématiques à l'usage des ingénieurs de l'électrotechnique et des télécommunications.
Paris, editions de la revue d'optique, 1957.
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50 €
Third edition.
Preface by Louis de Broglie.
GODEAUX, Lucien.
Les transformations birationnelles du plan.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1927.
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50 €
First edition.
Lucien Godeaux (1887-1975), Belgian mathematician specialized in algebraic geometry.
Courbes géométriques remarquables (courbes spéciales) planes & gauches.
Paris, Librairie Vuibert, 1919.
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50 €
First edition
Volume I on the title page the other volumes will not appear.
CHASLES, Michel.
Rapport sur les progrès de la Géométrie.
Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1870.
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200 €
First edition
Report commissioned by the Ministry of Public Education to the famous mathematician Michel Chasles (1793-1880).
He delivers a very interesting history of geometry in the nineteenth century by reviewing the main advances and their authors.
CHASLES, Michel.
Traité de Géométrie supérieure.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1880.
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120 €
Second edition
Major book of the famous mathematician Chasles.
" La Géométrie supérieure, when it was published, was new, in many respects for the subjects, and mainly for the methods of demonstration which, thanks to the use of the signs and the introduction of the imaginary, participate to the advantages of the These methods are distinguished by the special character that the quantities likely to become imaginary do not enter in explicit form, but are represented by real elements, just as in Analysis the roots of an equation. are collectively represented by the coefficients of this equation.The work contains the theories of the anharmonic relationship, involution, homographic or correlative figures and their applications to polygons and circles, and ends with two interesting chapters: the one concerns certain properties of two circles leading to elegant representations of the equations relating to elliptic functions; the subject of the theory of circular cones and spherical cones, to which Chasles had, as early as 1830, devoted two remarkable contributions in Volume VI of the Memoirs of the Brussels Academy. " Eugene Rouchê.
Traité de la résolution des équations numériques à l'usage des candidats aux écoles polytechnique et normale.
Paris, Maillet-Bachelier, 1861.
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90 €
First edition.
Louis Saint-Loup was the first director of the observatory of Besançon before being ousted in favor of Louis Gruey.;
Bound after: SAINT-LOUP & BACH, Traité des surfaces du second ordre et développements de géométrie analytique à trois dimensions,, Paris, Mallet-Bachelier, 1859 (missing the folding plate for this second treaty).
GUYOT, Edme-Gilles.
Nouvelles Récréations Physiques et Mathématiques, contenant ce qui a été imaginé de plus curieux dans ce genre, et ce qui se découvre journellement.
Paris, Gueffier, 1786.
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900 €
Third edition. Complete of it's 102 plates (we have 103 plates. pl. 48 of P2 in double)
34 plates of volume 2 are watercolored.
This book is one of the most complete and certainly the most beautifully illustrated works of popular science that developed in the late eighteenth century (Ozanam, Nollet, ...).
The first volume deals with mathematics, magnetism, and electricity. The second volume deals with geometry, optics, catoptrics, dioptrics, fire, air and water. The last volume is organized around the following themes: numbers, hand addresses and card tricks.
CLAVIUS, Christophorus.
Computus ecclesiasticus per digitorum articulos, & tabulas traditus.
Rome, Zannettum, 1603.
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1200 €
Christopher Clavius was a German mathematician and astronomer.
He is known for its works on the the new Gregorian calendar.
Fourth edition of this rare work (not in Honeyman, Normann, Macclesfield, Sotheran, ...).
Collections mathématiques.
s.l., s.n., 1806-1807.
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1500 €
Fine copy.
BULLET, Pierre.
Traité de l'usage du pantomètre, instrument géométrique, instrument géométrique propre à prendre toutes sortes d'angles, mesurer les distances accessibles et inaccessibles, arpenter et diviser toutes sortes de figures.
Paris, André Pralard, 1675.
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450 €
First edition.
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