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[HOET, Gérard] || [PICART, Bernard] || [HONDT, Pieter de] || [SAURIN, Pierre] ||.
Figures de la Bible. Taferelen der voornaamste Geschiedenissen van het oude en nieuwe testament.
La Haye, Pieter de Hondt, 1728.
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6000 €
First edition.
One of the most beautiful illustrations of the Bible in the eighteenth century.
This remarkable iconograph of the Bible in which Gérard Hoet and Bernard Picart mainly participated includes 214 full-page plates (29 double-page), the legend of which is written in Hebrew, English, German, Latin, French and Dutch.
The two frontispieces are captioned in French, the rest of the text is written in Dutch. Each chapter ends with a beautiful engraved cul-de-lampe.
This set of prints was first started by Picart in 1720 with the assistance of the Dutch painter Gérard Hoet, for what would undoubtedly become the pinnacle of the "Figures of the Bible". The Figures of the Bible are collections of engravings, which represent or signify Scripture through cycles of prints covering the entire Bible, a single Testament, or even a single biblical book. It is a genre that became popular with printing in the sixteenth century.
Pierre de Hondt, recovers the engravings of Picart, who with his multilingual legends already had a desire for European distribution, to accompany texts by Pierre Saurin (cf. Brunet). Everything is newly decorated with typographic ornaments.
Beautiful copy of Talleyrand at Chateau de Valençay with his ex libris in each volume.
BARRAUD, Pierre-Constant.
Recherches sur les coqs des églises.
Paris, Derache, 1850.
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450 €
First edition.
Pierre-Constant Barraud (1801-1874) is an archaeologist and titular canon of the diocese of Beauvais. He signed several studies on church furniture. In this booklet he recalls that the symbol of the rooster has been used since primitive Christianity.
Missel Romain.
Limoges, Eugène Ardant, [v.1900].
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200 €
Paroissien romain d'après les imprimés français du XVème siècle.
Paris, Gruel Engelmann, 1858.
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300 €
MASSILLON, Jean-Baptiste.
Oeuvres choisies de Massillon.
Paris, Delestre-Boulage, 1823-1825.
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300 €
Beautiful copy for this edition bringing together Massillon's sermons.
Jean-Baptiste Massillon (1663-1742) was bishop of Clermont and academician, he is often compared to Bourdaloue and Bossuet.
Voltaire, who had Le Petit Carême read to him during his meals, said of him: “The preacher who knew the world best; more flowery than Bourdaloue, more pleasant, and whose eloquence smacks of the man of the court, the academician, and the man of wit; moreover, a moderate and tolerant philosopher. ».
[HUERNE DE LA MOTHE, François-Charles] || [CLAIRON, Claire-Josèphe Léris].
Libertés de la France, contre le pouvoir arbitraire de l'excommunication.
Amsterdam, s.n., 1761.
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500 €
First edition.
Work commissioned by the actress Mademoiselle Clairon from the lawyer Huerne de la Motte to defend the condition of actors.
Following the funeral ceremony that the actors of the Comédie Française had organized for Crébillon père, the Archbishop of Paris then recalled the French tradition of excommunication of actors.
This book was banned and burned by the executioner in the courtyard of the courthouse.
[Bound with]
[JOLY], Historical and critical letters on spectacles, [1762]
223-(1) pages. (title page missing]
Work by Capuchin Joly, demonstrating the just excommunication of the actors according to the canons of the Church.
[CURMER, Léon].
Les Évangiles des Dimanches et Fêtes de l'Année.
Paris, L. Curmer, 1864.
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600 €
First edition.
Superb edition compiled by Curmer from the most beautiful manuscripts in European libraries.
Each plate printed in colors and gold by chromolithography.
The third part (here missing) which normally completes this edition consisted in a commentary on the sources used for the first two parts.
Copy n°98 registered for the Countess du Hamel née Roncherolles.
Paroissien romain d'après les imprimés français du XVème siècle.
Paris, Gruel Engelmann, 1858.
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300 €
Good copy.
Missel Romain.
Limoges, Dalpayrat et Depelley, 1892.
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200 €
Copy print with colors on japan paper.
Via veritas et vita.
Paris, Frederic Leonard, 1697.
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100 €
Edition decorated with a title-frontispiece signed Pitau.
LANGLOIS, Jean Baptiste.
Histoire des croisades contre les Albigeois.
Paris, Jean Guilletat, 1703.
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250 €
First edition.
Breviarium Carcassonense.
Paris, J. B. Coignard, 1745.
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300 €
Rare edition of breviary for the use of the diocese of Carcassonne.
Copy of André Boyer-Mas from Carcassonne, chamberlain ambassador of Pope Pius XII, diplomat and spy for the French State.
[MANUSCRIT] [Congrégation de Notre Dame de Rheims].
Recueil de prières.
Rheims, s.n., [v. 1700].
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350 €
Manuscript from the beginning of the 18th century emanating from the Congrégation de Notre Dame de Rheims, a convent founded in 1638 by the order of the "Chanoinesses of Saint-Augustin of the Congrégation Notre-Dame"
This manuscript written in a perfectly legible handwriting but sometimes random spelling, brings together different prayers and meditations on death, birth, baptism, entry into religion, the anniversary of the taking of the veil...
There are also some extracts from the Rule of this order as well as Sentences from St Augustine.
Rare testimony to the spiritual life of this discreet monastic order.
GODESCARD, Jean-François.
Les Vies des Saints pères et martyrs.
Paris, Furne, 1854.
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150 €
Beautiful binding for this classic of popular Catholic literature.
Steel engravings by Hopwood.
Livre d’Heures à l’usage de Paris.
s.l., s.n., [circa 1420].
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33000 €
From a follower of the Boucicaut Master.
The painter uses an extensive palette with sharp contrasts, and does not hesitate to use a bright minium red that he contrasts with the blues and greens in the happiest of ways.
The abstract backgrounds and the systematic use of a grassy ground, give to the whole manuscript a beautiful coherence and a great elegance.
Some of the preserved paintings, such as those of the Annunciation to the Shepherds, the Crucifixion, and St. Margaret, bear witness to the artist's talent and the high quality of this manuscript.
It should be noted that the composition of the The Flight into Egypt is closely mirrors of a Boucicaut composition.
Complete video on request.
L'Histoire Du Vieux Et Du Nouveau Testament, Représentée Avec Des Figures & des Explications édifiantes, tirées des Saints Peres, pour régler les moeurs dans toutes sortes de conditions.
Paris, Jean Villette, 1730.
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500 €
Good copy of the Royaumont Bible whose interest lies in the mid-page engravings on each leaf of text. Then a set of more than 240 copper engravings illustrating biblical scenes.
Manuel du Chrétien.
Cologne, Aux dépens de la compagnie, 1740.
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150 €
DU RYER, Andre (Trad.).
L'Alcoran de Mahomet traduit de l'Arabe, par André Du Ryer Sieur de la Garde Malezair.
Amsterdam, Pierre Mortier, 1746.
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350 €
FUSY, Antoine.
Le Franc Archer de la vraye église, contre les abus et énormités de la fausse.
s.l., Aux dépens de l'autheur, 1619.
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1200 €
First edition.
Antoine Fusy, Jesuit and professor at the Sorbonne is at the beginning of the 17th century in breach of ban with his order. The Jesuit preachers indeed defended the merits of tyrannicide, which was an undisguised threat to the King of France who protected the Protestants of the kingdom.
While Henri IV was assassinated by a Catholic fanatic, Fusy went into exile in Geneva in 1619 and converted to Protestantism.
He wrote there this very violent pamphlet towards the Roman Church, whose style is sometimes quite raw.
LOHNER, Tobias.
Instruction practica quarta pastorum continens doctrinas, & industrias ad pastorale.
Dillingen, Joann Caspari Bencard, 1701.
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250 €
Manual for priests.
[DULAURE, Jacques-Antoine].
Des divinités génératrices, ou du culte du phallus chez les Anciens et les Modernes.
Paris, Dentu, 1805.
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80 €
First edition.
Jacques-Antoine Dulaure (1755-1835) was a French archaeologist, historian and politician.
STURM, Christophe-Chrétien.
Considérations sur les oeuvres de Dieu, dans le règne de la Nature et de la Providence. Pour tous les jours de l'année.
Lausanne, Hignou et Companie, 1799.
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80 €
Christoph Christian Sturm (1740-1786) was a German theologian whose most famous work is this book, in which he claims to prove the existence of God from the Natural Sciences.
[BAUDRAND, Barthélemy].
L'ame affermie dans la foi, et prémunie contre la séduction de l'erreur ; ou preuves abrégées de la religion à la portée de tous les esprits & de tous les états.
Lyon, Frères Perisse, 1779.
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60 €
Fourth edition.
Barthélemy Baudrand (1701-1787) was a French Jesuit priest, and a spiritual writer well known in his time.
[BUY, Félix].
L'histoire en abrégé du cinquième Concile général, Avec une disertation sur l'origénisme.
Paris, M. Le Prest, 1679.
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50 €
First edition.
This book is about theology. It was written by Felix Buy (1637-1687), doctor of theology and philosophy.
The second text deals with Origenism (set of Christian theological positions attributed to Origen in the context of controversies that have left traces in the history of councils and Byzantine theology).
Propre de l'Eglise royale et paroissiale de S. Paul, suivi de L'office du Saint Nom de Jésus, titulaire des deux compagnies de Charité.
Paris, Joseph Bullot, 1732.
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150 €
First edition.
Both texts in Latin and French on two columns.
Hanwritten note on the first endleaf, by the owner.
SCUPOLI, Laurent.
Le Combat Spirituel; Dans lequel on trouve les moyens les plus surs pour vaincre ses passions et triompher du vice.
Riom, Landriot, 1798.
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50 €
Les Jésuites devant la loi française.
Paris, Decaux, [1871].
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60 €
Second edition. Very good copy.
DELAUNAY, Abbé || DENIS, Ferdinand.
Appendice à l'Imitation de Jésus-Christ, Suivi de Auteurs présumés de l'Imitation par M. l'Abbé Delaunay.Histoire de l'ornementation des manuscrits par M. Ferdinand Denis. Catalogue bibliographique indiquant les manuscrits reproduits dans l'Imitation et les imprimés cités dans l'Histoire de l'ornementation des manuscrits. Index des manuscrits avec l'indication des noms dessinateurs et des chromographes. Grande danse Macabre.
Paris, L. Curmer, 1858.
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150 €
First edition.
Very fine binding, with elegant ornamentations in gold.
POULLE, Nicolas Louis.
Sermons de Monsieur l'Abbé Poulle, prédicateur du Roi.
Paris, Mérigot le jeune, 1781.
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120 €
Seconde edition.
Ordre de la Visitation Sainte-Marie.
La manière de donner l'habit et de recevoir a la profession les Soeurs de la visitation de Sainte Marie.
Paris, Claude Hérissant, 1748.
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250 €
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