[AUX ARMES DU PAPE BENOIT XIV] Beatificationis, dei Camilli de Lellis, 1735
Sacra rituum congragatione emo & rmo dno card. origo ponente romana, seu theatina beatificationis, & canonisationis ven servi dei Camilli de Lellis.
Rome, Ex typographia Reu. Cam. Apost, 1735.
Six parts in one folio (310x210 mm), (2)-29-62-38-76-6-45 pages. binding : Contemporary full morocco gilt with arms of pope Benedict XIV, gil-decorated spine in six compartments. Tabs in vellum separating the parts. Binding rubbed on edges.
First edition.
Work emanating from the Sacred Congregation of Rites, organ of the Roman curia in charge of beatification and canonization procedures.
The object is to study the cases of miracles with a view to the beatification and sanctification of Camille de Lellis (1550-1614). He was the founder of the Camillian order and considered the patron saint of caregivers and nurses.
One of the parts bears the stamp of Johannes Prunettus, in his role as promoter of the faith. The promoter of the faith must have a critical eye in the instruction of the canonization file.
Binding with the arms of Benedict XIV (Prospero Lambertini), pope from 1740 to 1758 who will canonize Camille de Lellis in 1746.