CHAMPOLLION, Précis du système hiéroglyphique , 1824
CHAMPOLLION, Jean François.
Précis du système hiéroglyphique des anciens égyptiens, ou Recherches sur les élémens premiers de cette écriture sacrée.
Paris, Treuttel et Würtz, 1824.
Two 8vo (223x140mm), (4)-xvi-410-(4) pages and 16 plates / (2)-45 pages and 32 plates. binding : Contemporary full sheep, gilt flat spines. Bindings rubbed, caps worn.

First edition.
Deciphering of the hieroglyphic language by Champollion.
The Rosetta Stone, brought back by the Napoleonic expeditions to Egypt, gave the same text in three different languages, it is the key that gave Champollion the understanding of the language of the ancient Egyptians.
After laying down the principle of phonetic writing in 1822 in his Letter to M. Dacier, he continued his work and his demonstrations until he had an intimate knowledge of this language: "It is a complex system, a writing at the same time figurative, symbolic and phonetic, in the same text, the same sentence, I would almost say in the same word"
His Precis of the hieroglyphic system gives us with many examples an unprecedented understanding of hieroglyphs, thus cutting the grass under the feet of his opponents (and competitors) such as Thomas Young.
The discovery of Champollion suddenly gave humanity access to three millennia of its history.
references: En Français dans le texte [234 : "Ses démonstrations sont présentées en 1824 dans son Précis, publié aux frais de l'Etat; on y lit la définition la plus compréhensible jamais donnée du système hiéroglyphique"].
Price : 6000 €