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FAUCHARD, Le Chirurgien dentiste, 1746

Photo FAUCHARD, Pierre. 

FAUCHARD, Pierre. 

Le Chirurgien dentiste, ou traité des dents, où l'on enseigne les moyens de les entretenir propres & saines. 

Paris, Pierre-Jean Mariette, 1746.

Two 12mo (166x96 mm), xxiv-(8)-494 pages and 8 plates / (12)-425-(17) pages and 34 plates.  binding : Contemporary full sheep, gilt spine in six compartments. Caps and corners formerly restored. Minor waterstains. 

Photo FAUCHARD, Pierre. 

Second enlarged and best edition of one of the greatest book on denstistry.
With the portrait oif Fauchard and 42 plates engraved by Scotin.

references: Garrison & Morton [3671 : "Pierre Fauchard has been called "The Father of Dentistry"; his comprehensive and scientific account of all that concerned dentistry in the 18th century is one of the greatest book in the history of the subject. The second edition, puplished in 1746, contains a good description (vol 1, pp. 275-77) of pyorrhoea alveolaris"]; Heirs [785 : "many authorities feel that this second edition is superior to the first"], En Français dans le texte [142] PMM [186].


Photo FAUCHARD, Pierre. 
Photo FAUCHARD, Pierre. 
Photo FAUCHARD, Pierre. 
Photo FAUCHARD, Pierre. 
Photo FAUCHARD, Pierre. 
Photo FAUCHARD, Pierre. 
Photo FAUCHARD, Pierre. 
Photo FAUCHARD, Pierre. 
Photo FAUCHARD, Pierre. 
Photo FAUCHARD, Pierre. 
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