FUSTER, Joseph-Jean Nicolas. Des Changements dans le climat de la France, histoire de ses révolutions météorologiques [relié à la suite :] Des Maladies de la France dans leurs rapports avec les saison, ou histoire médicale et météorologique de la France, Paris, Dufart, 1840. 1845.
FUSTER, Joseph-Jean Nicolas.
Des Changements dans le climat de la France, histoire de ses révolutions météorologiques
[relié à la suite :]
Des Maladies de la France dans leurs rapports avec les saison, ou histoire médicale et météorologique de la France, Paris, Dufart, 1840.
Paris, Capelle, 1845.
Two books in one volume 8vo (217x133 mm), (4)-iv-503 page / vii-(1)-640 pages. binding : Contemporary quarter red calf, flat spine. Tail cap worn. Strongly foxed.

Two works in first edition by the same author in one volume:
I - FUSTER, Changes in the climate of France, history of its meteorological revolutions, Paris, Capelle, 1845
"The climate of France has changed and is changing"
Quite fascinating historiographical work on the French climate since the Gauls until the XIXth century.
One of the final chapters entitled "The action of meteorological phenomena and the human industry as causes of changes in our climate" sounds like a strange echo 150 years before the IPCC reports.
II- FUSTER, Diseases of France in their relationships with the seasons, or medical and meteorological history of France, Paris, Dufart, 1840
"The subject of this book is still new: no one has dealt with the diseases of France; no one has considered these diseases in their relationship with the seasons. But it is between us something more than "a new application of principles already known; it is, above all, the search for these principles. How do the seasons work; determine the diseases in correspondence with their action? Here is the problem first. The history of the seasons and diseases of France will follow and must follow the solution of these two questions. "
While the seasonality of viral infections is always a concern.
provenance: Stamp from Dr. E. Gromier on title page.
Price : 600 €