Amsterdam, Wetstein et Mortier, 1710-1712.
Ten parts bound in six volumes 12mo (138x72 mm), 2 frontispieces and (20)-273-(3)-288 pages and 2 plates /2 frontispieces and 118-360 pages and 7 plates / 2 frontisipeces and 286-263 pages / frontispieces and 586 pages and 6 plates / 2 frontispieces and (10)-239-280 pages / frontispiece and 622-(2) pages. binding : Contemporary full calf, gilt spine in six compartments. Gilt covers with arms from Alexande Aubry de Castelnau. Binding slightly rubbed.
references: Tchemerzine [V, 742] OHR [2510].
Price : 600 €