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[MONNET, Antoine Grimoald].
Nouvelle hydrologie, ou nouvelle exposition de la nature et de la qualité des eaux.
Paris, P.Fr. Didot, 1772.
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950 €
First edition.
Work on the chemical analysis of sea water collected on the French coasts.
A complete copy with the leaf A1 missing from almost all copies (Duveen doubt of is existence).
REYNIER, Jean-Louis-Antoine.
Du Feu et de quelques-uns de ses principaux effets.
Lausanne, Mourer, 1787.
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600 €
First edition.
Reynier makes "fire" in this work, an essential constituent of the material which ensures its cohesion.
His theory announces, following Lavoisier, the replacement of the phlogiston theory by the caloric theory.
Our modern gaze would find that by replacing “fire” with “energy”, Reynier demonstrates many interesting intuitions here. As such it is often cited by Bachelard in his “Psychoanalysis of Fire”.
LAMARCK, Jean Baptiste.
Recherches sur les Causes des Principaux faits Physiques, Et particulièrement sur celles de la Combustion, de l'Elévation de l'eau dans l'état de vapeurs de la Chaleur produite.
Paris, Maradan, An II [1794].
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950 €
First edition.
Lamarck's first work in the field of chemistry in which he reverses Lavoisier's chemical revolution and proposes a system based on the theory of the four elements and phlogiston.
Apart from expounding his bizarre chemical theories, the book is important for his later views on biology and geology. Of interest is the section "Recherches sur les têtres organiques", which sets out his ideas on the origin of life before he abandoned his belief in a fixed species and became an evolutionist.
Lamarck's "chemical theories played an important part in the development of his ideas the origin of species, as they provived a materialistic definition of life, reproduction and evolution." (Norman).
Les Elémens de Chymie.
Lyon, Claude Chancey, 1665.
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French edition of the Tyrocinium.
It was the most popular textbook of the time, passing through 50 editions between 1610 and 1669.
General chemistry and iatrochemical preparations are discussed, and the earliest descriptions of certain chemicals are given, with the discovery of which the auteur is credited.
Jean Béguin was the first chemist to isolate certain compounds, including acetone which can be found on p.130 under the name "Ardant Spirit of Saturn".
LEMERY, Nicolas.
Traité de l'Antimoine.
Paris, Jean Boudot, 1707.
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1200 €
First edition.
French chemist, Nicolas LEMERY was born at Rouen on the 17th of November 1645. After learning pharmacy in his native town he became a pupil of C. Glaser's in Paris, and then went to Montpellier, where he began to lecture on chemistry. He next established a pharmacy in Paris, still continuing his lectures.
GAY-LUSSAC, Louis Joseph.
Instruction Pour l'usage de L'Alcoomètre Centésimal, et des Tables qui l'accompagnent.
Paris, Collardeau, 1824.
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250 €
First edition.
In 1821, he was commissioned by the French administration to define a practical method for accurately measuring the alcohol concentration of drinks. Gay-Lussac is developing a hydrometer graduated on the volumetric alcohol concentration. This gives the Gay-Lussac degree which corresponds to the percentage of alcohol in the wine for example. The law of 1824 on the taxation of alcoholic beverages uses his work. With Collardeau, a former student of the École Polytechnique, he became a manufacturer of scientific instruments and marketed his alcoholometer in 1830.
SUSSDORFF, Guillaume.
Contribution à l'étude de l'acide nicotique et de quelques-uns de ses dérivés.
Genève, W. Kündig & Fils, 1897.
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450 €
First edition.
Author's copy, finely bound.
Doctoral thesis presented at the University of Geneva in 1896 on work carried out under the direction of Amé Pictet and Carl Graebe.
The chemistry of nicotine derivatives would find its application many years later in biochemistry and medicine. We now know the name of nicotic acid under the common name of Vitamin B3.
LAPOSTOLLE, Alexandre-Ferdinand-Léonce.
Traité de la carie ou bled noir, dans lequel on prouve, par une suite d'expériences & par l'analyse chimique, que la chaux est le principal remède pour détruire cette maladie.
Amiens, J. Bapt. Caron l'ainé, 1787.
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First edition.
A cryptogamic disease, Caries transforms the wheat grain into black dust (spores) unfit for consumption.
At the end of the 18th century, several learned chemists focused on the study of this disease.
LAVOISIER, Antoine-Laurent.
Traité élémentaire de Chimie, présenté dans un ordre nouveau et d'après les découvertes modernes.
Paris, Cuchet, 1793.
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700 €
Second edition, printed by Chardon.
Several critical ideas that appear in this book laid the firm foundation for Lavoisier's
claim to the title as "the father of modern chemistry".
13 engravings from Paulze Lavoisier (author's wife).
LE FEBVRE, Nicolas.
Traicté de la Chymie.
Paris, Thomas Jolly, 1660.
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2500 €
First edition.
Nicolas Lefèvre [id is Le Febvre] was a chemistry teacher at the Jardin des Plantes. He then became a member of the Royal Academy in London, a city to which he had come at the request of King Charles II of England.
A skilful chemist, people in the art praise the exactness with which he describes the operations and reports their results. It also indicates the means of recognizing fraud in pharmaceutical preparations.
A great admirer of Paracelsus, he claimed to have discovered, like him, a secret for restoring or maintaining all the vigor of youth in advanced age.
His chemistry course was a great success, went through several editions and was translated into several languages.
CHAPTAL, Jean-Antoine.
Mémoires de chimie.
Montpellier, Jean Martel Aîné, 1781.
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950 €
First edition of the first work of Chaptal.
First volume, only published.
After three years spent in Paris (1777-1780), Chaptal was offered in 1780 a chair of chemistry at the Royal Society of Sciences of Montpellier.
"It was from this moment that Chaptal's brilliant career in science began.
The revolution in chemistry was at hand. However, the old doctrine of phlogiston still prevailed and it was this doctrine that Chaptal taught at first and in his first courses that he took up in his first work. He then quickly rallied to the ideas developed by Lavoisier. "(Flourens. Eloge de Chaptal. 1835)
Rare (missing from the main collections on chemistry : Duveen, Ferguson, Neville ...)
Bound with :
- POULLE. Positiones chemico-medicae de Aere Vitali. Montpellier, Picot, 1784. 64 pages (a lack in the margin of page 41). Rare work on the chemical and medical properties of oxygen and its preparation. First edition.
- BERTHOLON. Des avantages que la physique et les arts qui en dépendent peuvent retirer des globes aérostatiques...Montpellier, Jean Martel Aîné, 1784. 82 pages. First edition.
- LAFFECTEUR. Rapport sur l'analyse du Rob Antisyphillitique. 1779. Ph. D. Pierres, Paris. 24 pages. First edition.
- GUER. [Dissertation physique & botanique sur la maladie nephretique et sur son véritable spécifique, le Raisin d'Ours]. 1768, Bauer, Strasbourg. 98 pages and 1 folding plate. Bound without the title page and the privilege.
- GOUBERT. Description et usage des baromètres, thermomètres et autres instrumens météorologiques. 1781. Jombert, Paris. 52 pages and 1 folding table. First edition
A presentation copy to the botanist of Dijon Jean-François Durande, for the second work (Poulle).
BRISSON, Mathurin-Jacques.
Traité élémentaire ou principe de physique [suivi de] Elémens ou principes physico-chymiques.
Paris, Bossange, Masson et Besson, 1800.
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600 €
Frist complete edition with the first edition of the fourth volume.
Complete homogeneous set in 4 volumes and 52 plates of this physics and chemistry course published by Mathurin-Jacques Brisson.
Assistant to Réaumur then to Nollet, Brisson became a professor of physics at the College of Navarre and then at the Ecole Centrale. He began to publish his Elementary Treaty of Physics in 1789. This third edition of 1800 was supplemented by a new volume on chemistry to serve as a follow-up to physics.
[MACQUER, Pierre-Joseph].
Dictionnaire de chymie, contenant la théorie & la pratique de cette science.
Paris, Lacombe, 1766.
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1250 €
First edition, state A.
The most important work from Pierre-Joseph Macquer (1718-1784) which will remain for years a reference for chemists of the 18th century.
It is also the first alphabetical dictionary of chemistry.
Nouvelle Chymie raisonnée.
Lyon, Thomas Amaulry, 1693.
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400 €
First french edition.
Professor of botany and surgery at the University of Leipzig, Ferguson [I,251] reports that Ettmuller died on March 9, 1683 as a result of an unfortunate chemistry experiment.
La Physique sans appareils et la Chimie sans laboratoire.
Paris, G. Masson, [1893].
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Sixth completely revised edition.
Popular science book presenting on each page an experiment to be carried out with the means present in all households.
Copy of Albert Tissandier, brother of the author with whom he ran the magazine La Nature until 1905.
SCHLUTTER, Christophe-André || HELLOT.
De la Fonte des Mines, des Fonderies, &tc.
Paris, Jean-Thomas Hérissant, 1764-1753.
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750 €
French edition (first for vol. 2 and second for vol. 1 in uniform binding).
The most important eighteenth-century book on mining, or refining, metallurgical chemistry, smelting, and essaying. (Neville).
[MACQUER, Pierre-Joseph].
Dictionnaire de chymie, contenant la théorie & la pratique de cette science.
Paris, Lacombe, 1766.
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800 €
Second (first pirated) edition.
A pirated reprint of the first edition, printed from type that has been reset and in which there are small but significant changes (Neville).
The most important work from Pierre-Joseph Macquer (1718-1784) which will remain for years a reference for chemists of the 18th century.
It is also the first alphabetical dictionary of chemistry.
STAHL, Ernst Georg.
Opusculum chymico-physico-medicum, seu schediasmatum a pluribus annis variis occasionibus in publicum emissorum nunc.
Halle, Orphantrophei, 1715.
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2000 €
First edition.
Important work for the history of chemistry in which Stahl sets out his theories on zymotechnics which in fact lay the foundations of phlogiston, a chemical theory which will dominate the entire 18th century until Lavoisier.
MACQUER, Pierre Joseph.
Elemens de Chymie-pratique, contenant la description des opérations fondamentales de la Chymie.
Paris, Jean Thomas Herissant, 1751.
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350 €
First edition.
Macquer was the reference in chemistry for the second half of the 18th century before the arrival of Lavoisier.
FOURCROY, Antoine-François de.
Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Lavoisier.
Paris, Impr. de la Feuille du cultivateur, An IV [1796].
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150 €
Bound after with separate title page and pagination : "La Mort de Lavoisier, Hyérodrame Mis en musique par le Citoyen Langlé... Paroles de Charles Désaudray". 7-(1bl.) pages.
Two brochures praising Lavoisier after he was guillotined.
[RORET] VERGNAUD, Armand-Denis.
Nouveau manuel complet de Chimie amusante.
Paris, Librairie encyclopédique Roret, 1842.
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New edition.
BOUILLON-LAGRANGE, Edme Jean-Baptiste.
Essai sur les eaux minérales naturelles et artificielles.
Paris et Saint-Pétersbourg, Klostermann, 1810.
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350 €
First edition, the first issue with the scarce 1810 title page.
An important work and comprehensive treatise on natural and mineral waters. The first part covers internal and external uses of fresh water, seawater, and different kinds of mineral water. The major portion of the book describes the principal spas of Europe in alphabetical order, including chemical analyses of the waters. The last section gives detailed directions for the preparation of artificial mineral waters, with plates showing apparatus for making hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogel sulphide. The machine designed by L.A. Planche for making carbonated mineral waters under pressure is described.
BAYEN, Pierre || CHARLARD, Louis-Martin.
Recherches chimiques sur l'étain, faites et publiées par ordre du gouvernement.
Paris, Philippe-Denys Pierres, 1781.
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750 €
First edition.
Bayen is today recognized as a precursor of Lavoisier. He rejected the phlogistic theory 3 years before the decisive work of Lavoisier.
In this book on the tin, Bayen and Charlard concluded that tin contained no arsenic at worst infinitesimal amount, without any danger to health.
GAY-LUSSAC, Joseph Louis.
Cours de chimie comprenant l'histoire des sels, la chimie végétale et animale.
Paris, Pichon et Didier, 1828.
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950 €
First edition.
GLASER, Christophle.
Traité de la Chymie.
Paris, chez l'autheur, 1663.
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1200 €
The rare first edition, first issue.
Christophe Glaser (1629-1672?) Is a Swiss doctor and pharmacist who became ordinary apothecary of King Louis XIV. Nicolas Lemery will be trained at Glaser but quickly leaves him not supporting his almost esoteric teaching.
Glaser crosses the history in the poison case. It is most probably in her pharmacy that the Marquise de Brinvilliers obtained the vials of poison. According to his testimony Glaser was sent to Italy by Fouquet to learn the secrets of Italian poisons.
Caillet attributes this book to Moyse Charas, who indeed mentions in the preface to his Thériaque that he published a Treatise on Chemistry under the name of Glaser.
We find in this book, curious preparations such as human skull oil or the distillation of viper flesh.
LEFEVRE, Nicolas.
Cours de chymie pour servir d’introduction à cette science.
Paris, Jean-Noel Leloup, 1751.
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1750 €
Rare fifth last and greatly enlarged edition with 11 plates of this famous chemical course.
This edition is not in Duveen and Neville.
HOLLARD, Auguste.
La Théorie des ions et l'électrolyse.
Paris, Gauthier Villars, [v. 1920].
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30 €
BERZELIUS, Jöns Jacob.
Des Changemens dans le système de minéralogie chimique, qui doivent nécessairement résulter de la propriété que possèdent les corps isomorphes, de se remplacer mutuellement en proportions indéfinies. (publié dans Annales de Chimie et de Physique - Tome XXXI).
Paris, Crochard, 1826.
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250 €
First edition.
Berzelius is the first to propose a system of classification of the elements by designating them by an abbreviation of their Latin name. It is the system of naming atoms that we always use (Au for Gold for example). He also proposed in his System of mineralogy in 1818 a beginning of classification of simple and compound elements. In this article he modifies his system taking into account Mitscherlich's recent work on isomorphic crystals and proposes a new classification according to the electronegativity of the elements.
We find in the same volume an article by Antoine Becquerel, "Investigations on the electrical effects of contact produced in changes of temperature, and application which can be made to the determination of high temperatures".
DEMACHY, Jean François.
Examen physique et chimique d'une eau minérale trouvée chez M. de Calsabigi à Passy; comparée aux eaux du même côteau, connues sous le nom des nouvelles eaux minérales de Madame Belami.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1756].
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250 €
First edition.
Rare brochure that follows the analyzes of Rouelle and Cadet on the waters of Passy. The purpose of this study is to show that the water found in Mrs. Belami, neighbor of the Calasabigi is at least as good.
MEYER, Frederich.
Essais de Chymie, sur la chaux vive, la matière élastique et électrique, le feu, et l'acide universel primitif.
Paris, G. Cavelier, 1766.
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300 €
First edition of the french translation by Dreux.
"It is through lime that the Author discovered this general principle innate in all bodies, & which is its true elementary principle, this principle which constitutes fatty acid or acidum pingue substance known to the ancient chymists, [. ..] which defines it as a singular being & composed of a particular acid & of the matter of fire, & from which, according to him, all other acids derive. This acid must be called primitive acid. " (extract from the warning).
Curious theory of pingue acid, primitive principle which was to combine by transmitting the character of causticity to various compounds.
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