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PRICHARD, James Cowles.
Histoire naturelle de l'Homme.
Paris, J-B Baillière, 1843.
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300 €
First french edition.
Translated from English by Roulin from the work The natural history of man (1843), popularization work by Prichard based on his Researches into the physical history of man.
Prichard concluded that all human races were part of the same species and originally shared the same black skin.
Complete with the 40 engravings announced (on 39 plates), most of them in color representing the different peoples of the world.
MONNET, Antoine Grimoald.
Traité de l'exploitation des mines.
Paris, Didot l'ainé, 1773.
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600 €
First edition.
Antoine Grimoald Monnet (1734-1817) is a French mineralogist, he was trained at the mining school of Freiberg, in Saxony, from where he brought back the material to compose his Treatise. In 1776 he became inspector general in the Royal Corps of Mines, for which he traveled to mines throughout France.
La Chasse du Loup nécessaire à la maison rustique.
Rouen, Jean Baptiste Besongne, 1685.
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450 €
The Wolf Hunt by Jean Carlmorgan was appended to the editions of the Rustic House of Liebaut. Our edition has its own title page and includes the 14 mid-page woodcuts from the sixteenth century editions. A highly sought-after work in the 19th century, it represented the "dark ages" of the French countryside.
Following it we find "La Fabrique de la Gauge ou Diapason" in (10) sheets, (last sheet truncated). Another typical annex of the Rustic House.
LAPOSTOLLE, Alexandre-Ferdinand-Léonce.
Traité de la carie ou bled noir, dans lequel on prouve, par une suite d'expériences & par l'analyse chimique, que la chaux est le principal remède pour détruire cette maladie.
Amiens, J. Bapt. Caron l'ainé, 1787.
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200 €
First edition.
A cryptogamic disease, Caries transforms the wheat grain into black dust (spores) unfit for consumption.
At the end of the 18th century, several learned chemists focused on the study of this disease.
Dictionnaire d'Agriculture avec un abrégé de médecine rurale et vétérinaire.
s.l., s.n., 1786.
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800 €
Original manuscript.
The content seems to include a selection of articles from Abbé Rozier's Cours complet d'agriculture which was published in the form of a dictionary from 1781 to 1800.
Our dictionary stops at the article "Rhue des jardins" which will not appear than in 1789 in Volume VIII of the Cours de Rozier.
Our manuscript, whose writer is unknown, is dated 1786, when Rozier was then a professor at the Practical School of Agriculture in Lyon. This manuscript may therefore be a transcription of the course given by Rozier in Lyon before its publication.
JOBLOT, Louis.
Observations d'histoire naturelle, faites avec le microscope.
Paris, Briasson, 1754-1755.
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2500 €
Second edition.
Posthumous edition increased by 53 spectacular plates resulting from the observations of Louis Joblot under the microscope. The second volume is devoted to the technical evolutions of microscopes on which Joblot worked, which allowed him to explore the unknown world of protozoa.
HUMBOLDT, Frédéric Alexandre.
Expériences sur le Galvanisme et en général sur l'irritation des fibres musculaires et nerveuses.
Paris, Didot Jeune Chez J.F. Fuchs, 1799.
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500 €
First edition in french.
French translation by Nicolas Jadelot of Humboldt's work on galvanism. Humboldt confirms Galvani's interpretation that animal electricity is irreducible to that of physicists. It contributes to the genesis of the idea that living beings can be described as galvanic organisms.
ROUX, Augustin.
Traité de la Culture et de la Plantation des Arbres à ouvrer, avec la manière d'Exploiter et Débiter & Echantillonner les Bois, suivant les différens usages ausquels ils sont propres pour les besoins de la vie.
Paris, Ch. Ant. Jombert, 1750.
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150 €
First edition.
Species-by-species growing tips for planting and caring for timber.
MANESSE, Denis Joseph (Abbé).
Traité sur la manière d'empailler et de conserver les animaux, les pelleteries et les laines.
Paris, Guillot, 1787.
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300 €
First edition.
[PERRAULT, Pierre].
De L'Origine des Fontaines.
Paris, Jean de la Caille, 1678.
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350 €
Second edition.
Milestone for hydrology.
Perrault succeeded in proving scientifically for the first time that rainfall was sufficient to fuel the flow of rivers, and that rain came from the evaporation of rivers and seas.
CUNY, Léon.
Cours d'arboriculture fruitière.
Paris, Bureau de l'édition, 1929.
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150 €
First edition.
Arboriculture course given by Léon Cuny curator of the Luxembourg Gardens.
His courses were at the origin of the creation of the Association of Auditors of the Courts of Luxembourg whose aim was to popularize the methods of fruit growing which made the reputation of the gardeners of Luxembourg.
Copy n°22 on 100 exemplar on Alfa signed by the author.
Presentation copy.
GENNSANE, Antoine de.
Traité de la fonte des mines par le feu du charbon de terre, ou traité de la construction et usage des fourneaux propres à la fonte et affinage des métaux et des minéraux par le feu du charbon de terre, avec la manière de rendre ce charbon propre aux mêmes usages auxquels on emploie le charbon de bois.
Paris, Vallat-la-Chapelle [Ruault pour le tome II], 1770-1776.
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First edition.
The author was a director of the mines of Languedoc, dealer of the Mines of Alsace and the County of Burgundy and correspondent of the Royal Academy of Sciences.
This work is an important treatise on mining and metallurgy that is fully illustrated.
Genssane also describes the metals and minerals recovered from the mines.
SCHLUTTER, Christophe-André || HELLOT.
De la Fonte des Mines, des Fonderies, &tc.
Paris, Jean-Thomas Hérissant, 1764-1753.
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750 €
French edition (first for vol. 2 and second for vol. 1 in uniform binding).
The most important eighteenth-century book on mining, or refining, metallurgical chemistry, smelting, and essaying. (Neville).
PARMENTIER, Antoine Augustin.
I. Expériences et réflexions relatives à l’analyse du bled et des farines. Paris, Monory, 1776.
II. Traité de la châtaigne. Bastia, Monory, 1780.
III. Manière de faire le pain de pommes de terre, sans mélange de farine. Paris, 1779.
Paris, Monory, 1776.
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2000 €
Three works by Parmentier, all in first edition, bound in one volume.
I. Expériences et réflexions relatives à l’analyse du bled et des farines. Paris, Monory, 1776. :
Written as a polemic work in which Parmentier defends himself from the attacks by B.G. Sage (see "Analyse des Blés". 1776), this book contains original experiments on the chemical composition of wheat and flour and is a pioneering work on this important subject
II. Traité de la châtaigne. Bastia, Monory, 1780.
First edition of one of the rarest treatises of Parmentier.
In his search for economical and nutritious foods for the people, Parmentier studies here
the chestnut, in which he was the first to have noted the presence of sugar.
III. Manière de faire le pain de pommes de terre, sans mélange de farine. Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1779.
In 1778, Parmentier conducted experiments on potato breading with Cadet le Jeune and presented his discovery to the King.
[AUBERT DE LA CHESNAY DES BOIS, François-Alexandre].
Systême naturel du règne animal, par classes, familles ou ordres, genres et espèces, avec une notice de tous les animaux.
Paris, Cl.-J.-B. Bauche, 1754.
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450 €
First edition.
The Illustrated with portraits of Klein and Linné in frontispiece and 6 folding plates of zoology engraved by Maisonneuve.
This taxonomic treatise describes each species of quadrupeds, birds and amphibians according to the classification of Jacob Theodor Klein and that of Carl von Linné, the fishes according to that of Peter Artedi and finally the insects and worms according to Linné.
[GENTIL, François].
Le Jardinier Solitaire ou dialogues entre un Curieux & un Jardinier solitaire contenant la methode de faire & de cultiver un Jardin fruitier & potager ; & plusieurs experiences nouvelles.
Paris, Rigaud, 1705.
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150 €
Second edition with additional reflections on the cultivation of trees.
[MOET, Jean-Pierre].
Traité de la culture des renoncules, des oeillets, des auricules, et des tulipes.
Paris, Saugrain, 1754.
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150 €
First edition.
MARSILI, Luigi Ferdinando.
Histoire physique de la mer. Ouvrage enrichi de figures dessinées d'après le naturel.
Amsterdam, aux depens de la Compagnie, 1725.
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15000 €
First edition in french of this milestone work for the oceanography.
A splendid copy with all plates colored.
HOPPE, David Heinrich.
Enumeratio Insectorum Elytratorum Circa Erlangam Indigenarum secundam systema Fabricianum. Observationibus Iconibusque Illustrata.
Erlangen, Palm, 1795.
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750 €
First edition published at the same time as his thesis with a slightly different title.
David Heinrich Hoppe was a German physician, botanist and pharmacist and an entomologist.
In 1790, Hoppe founded Bavaria's first botanical society, the Regensburg Botanical Society, the oldest still-functioning botanical society in the world.
Three taxa are named by David Heinrich Hoppe in this books :
- Donacia dentata, a species of beetles of the subfamily Donaciinae.
- Donacia marginata, a species of beetle native to Europe.
- Graphoderus zonatus, a species of beetle from the Dytiscidae family.
BERTRAND, Philippe.
Nouveaux principes de géologie. Comparés et opposés à ceux des Philosophes anciens et modernes, jusqu'à J. C. Delamétherie, qui les a tous analysés dans sa Théorie de la Terre. Ou manière plus simple d'observer et d'expliquer l'un par l'autre, les principaux faits naturels; avec un Abrégé d'une Géologie toute nouvelle.
Paris, Chez l'Auteur & Maradan, An VI - 1797.
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750 €
First edition.
Renouvellemens périodiques des continens terrestres.
Genève, J.J. Paschoud, 1803.
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100 €
Second edition.
Louis Bertrand (1731-1812), was born in Geneva and was a Swiss geologist and mathematician. He was a pupil of Euler and became his close friend. In addition to writing a text on geometry he also wrote on geology. In "Renouvellemens périodiques des continens terrestres" he discusses the evolution of terrestrial continents, mountains, stratigraphic layers, caves and fossils (animal and mineral).
La Théorie Darwinienne et la Création dite indépendante.
Bologne, Nicolas Zanichelli, 1874.
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300 €
First edition.
An "anti" Darwinist work claiming that homologous structures are explained on mechanical principles.
DURAND DE GROS, Joseph Pierre.
Les Origines animales de l'Homme éclairées par la physiologie et l'anatomie comparatives.
Paris, Germer Baillière, 1871.
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200 €
First edition.
Origine des Fossiles et des continents ou nouvelle théorie de la Terre.
Paris, Bechet, 1850.
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50 €
First edition.
Abbé Pachon proposes a theory of the Earth trying to reconcile biblical writings with fossils and geological data.
DARWIN, Charles.
De la Variation des Animaux et des Plantes à l'état domestique.
Paris, C. Reinwald et Cie, 1879.
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150 €
French edition on the second english edition.
In addition to the remarks on the domestication of animals (which is a bias of unnatural selection) Darwin exposes in this book for the first time his theory of Pangenesis.
Darwin seeks there a support of hereditary information and puts forward the hypothesis of cellular buds which would transmit the characters of the parents. The hypothesis is false but we feel that genetics are in fact not very far.
DARWIN, Charles.
La Descendance de l'Homme et la sélection sexuelle.
Paris, C. Reinwald, 1881.
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100 €
Third edition in French.
This book is Darwin's second major work on the theory of evolution after "On the Origin of Species" published in 1859.
He described the application of his theory to human evolution and specified the theory of sexual selection.
Dictionnaire oeconomique, contenant divers moyens d'augmenter son bien, et de conserver sa santé. Avec plusieurs remedes assurez et eprouvez, pour un tres grand nombre de maladies, & de beaux secrets pour parvenir à une longue & heureuse vieillesse. Quantité de moyens pour élever, nourrir, guérir & faire profiter toutes sortes d'animaux domestiques; comme Brebis, Moutons, Boeufs, Chevaux, Mulets, Poules, Abeilles, & Vers à soie. Differens filets pour la pêche de toutes sortes de poissons, & pour la chasse de toutes sortes d'oiseaux & animaux, &c.
Paris, Etienne Ganeau, 1732-1743.
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600 €
Third edition.
Due to the important weight, (15 kg), no shipping outside France.
Renouvellemens périodiques des continens terrestres.
Paris, Charles Pougens, Hocquart, Duprat, An VIII (1799).
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400 €
First edition.
Louis Bertrand (1731-1812), was born in Geneva and was a Swiss geologist and mathematician. He was a pupil of Euler and became his close friend. In addition to writing a text on geometry he also wrote on geology. In "Renouvellemens périodiques des continens terrestres" he discusses the evolution of terrestrial continents, mountains, stratigraphic layers, caves and fossils (animal and mineral).
MOLLOY, Gérald || HAMARD, Abbé.
Géologie et Révélation ou histoire ancienne de la Terre considérée à la lumière des faits géologiques et de la religion révélée.
Paris, René Haton, 1877.
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50 €
Book whose purpose is to match geological and paleontological data with biblical stories.
BOUILLON-LAGRANGE, Edme Jean-Baptiste.
Essai sur les eaux minérales naturelles et artificielles.
Paris et Saint-Pétersbourg, Klostermann, 1810.
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350 €
First edition, the first issue with the scarce 1810 title page.
An important work and comprehensive treatise on natural and mineral waters. The first part covers internal and external uses of fresh water, seawater, and different kinds of mineral water. The major portion of the book describes the principal spas of Europe in alphabetical order, including chemical analyses of the waters. The last section gives detailed directions for the preparation of artificial mineral waters, with plates showing apparatus for making hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogel sulphide. The machine designed by L.A. Planche for making carbonated mineral waters under pressure is described.
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