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[Séminaire des Missions étrangères de Paris].
Extrait des Nouvelles des missions des indes orientales.
Paris, Guillot, 1785-1787.
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150 €
First edition.
The Nouvelles des missions orientales is a Catholic publication which was published from 1785 to 1794 in five volumes.
Here the head of the series with the "Extrait des Nouvelles" published in 1785 covering the years 1783-1784 and the two volumes of the Nouvelles published in 1787 covering 1785 and 1786.
Les Intérêts des Nations de l'Europe, dévelopés relativement au Commerce.
Leide, Elie Luzac, 1766.
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1000 €
First edition.
Work written in the aftermath of the Seven Years' War when Europe was seeking a new political balance. For Accarias this had to go through trade, he proposed a program of specific reforms – lowering of customs duties, reduction of tax pressure, in particular on essential goods, control of public credit and liberalization policy. agriculture and national economies... This economic program was based on pre-Smithian French and British literature and promoted radical liberalism.
GIDE, Charles.
Conférences sur l'Economie politique.
s.l., Ecole supérieure de guerre, 1908-1912.
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350 €
First edition.
Conferences on Political Economy given to student officers at the Ecole Supérieure de Guerre between 1908 and 1912, on the eve of the First World War.
Charles Gide (1847-1932), is a French economist and teacher. He is the historical leader of the French cooperative movement, the theoretician of the social economy, and the uncle of the writer André Gide.
The subjects of these conferences vary each year of the course:
1908: The Budget
1909-: The Strikes
1910: Tariff Wars and Trade Treaties 1
912: The Causes of the War
Bound with the following we will find the International Law course given Free School of Political Sciences (SciencesPo) by Louis Renault (Nobel Peace Prize in 1907) and written by trainee officers who were auditors.
MERCIER, Louis-Sébastien.
L'Homme sauvage.
Amsterdam, Zacharie, 1767.
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300 €
Dutch edition published the same year than the original Parisian edition.
A work which caused a sensation upon its release, taking up the ideas of Rousseau, this novel is in line with the myth of the Good Savage.
Driven by the Spanish invasion, an Indian takes refuge in an unknown valley in South America with his two young children. He raises them in the bosom of good nature, in innocence and virtue, and they all live happily until they welcome into their health a young European who brings into this Eden, like the serpent of Genesis, the vices of civilization.
Les Femmes militaires, Relation historique d'une Isle nouvellement découverte.
Amsterdam, J. Rychoff fils, 1736.
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Second edition.
Utopian novel in which the narrator discovers an island on which women have military power and share political power. The author revisits the myth of the Amazons which experienced renewed interest at the beginning of the eighteenth century. It allows us to propose an alternative political system to both mock the decadence of the politicians of the time and question the role assigned to women in the family and society.
Precursor of feminist ideas before the letter.
De la Recherche de la Vérité.
Paris, Bordelet, 1749.
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250 €
During the publication of this treatise (first ed. : 1675), the first published by Malebranche, his contemporaries especially retained Cartesianism: dualism of thought and extension, rule of evidence, method using the Regulae of Descartes, influence of Dioptrics and the Treatise on Man, Cartesian physics. Even the concept of the soul, a simple occasion for the movements of the body, could be drawn from the Cartesians La Forge and Cordemoy. Malebranche still appears as one of many Cartesians trying to relate to Augustinianism. The break with Cartesianism came with the publication of Enlightenments on the Search for Truth (1678). Until then centered on man, Malebranche's thought here operates a theocentric reversal. From now on, everything starts from God. All physical relationships, like all moral values, are only the expression of an immutable Order.
Many figures in the text.
GUILLAUME, Laurent-Mathieu.
Charte constitutionnelle précédée de la déclaration de Saint-Ouen, mises en vers.
Paris, Guillaume et cie, 1829.
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250 €
First edition.
Curious publication from doctrinaire circles (royalists who hoped to reconcile the monarchy with the revolution) under the Restoration. Vignette by Couché fils representing Louis XVIII meditating on the charter. The Constitutional Charter of June 4, 1814 is the constitution of the Kingdom of France in force under the First then the Second Restoration
BOURDET, Eugène.
Vocabulaire Des Principaux Termes de La Philosophie Positive: Avec Notices Biographiques Appartenant Au Calendrier Positiviste.
Paris, Germer Baillière, 1875.
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100 €
First edition.
In the last quarter of the 19th century, the positivism of Auguste Comte gradually transformed into a true religion "of humanity" which rethought all the rites and structures left by the Christian church. These mutations are accompanied by a new vocabulary that Eugène Bourdet presents to us.
[ESPIARD DE LA BORDE, François-Ignace].
L'Esprit des nations.
La Haye, Isaac Beauregard, 1753.
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100 €
Third edition.
BOUGAINVILLE, Louis Antoine (de).
Voyage autour du monde, par la frégate du roi la Boudeuse.
Neuchatel, Imprimerie de la société thypohraphique, 1775.
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250 €
New augmented edition.
Complete of both parts in one volume.
Written by a man who said he was from the Enlightenment, this travelogue struck contemporaries with its portrait of a Tahitian society guided by the quest for pleasure, where the man appeared freed from the tyranny of work.
DORMOY, Emile.
Théorie Mathématique des assurances sur la vie.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1878.
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450 €
First edition.
Emile Dormoy, a Polytechnique and mining engineer, will manage the Soleil-Vie insurance company.
He leaves us this important treatise on mathematics for the use of actuaries in which he notably devotes a chapter to the Theory of deviations.
He describes there before Wilhelm Lexis what will be known as the "Lexis Ratio".
The law of deviations subsequently developed by Bachelier will be one of the bases of financial mathematics.
Etat général des unions faites des biens et revenus des maladeries, leproseries, aumoneries et autres lieux pieux aux hopitaux des pauvres malades.
Paris, Denys Thierry, 1705.
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400 €
First edition.
In order to rationalize aid to the sick, the power of Louis XIV issued numerous decrees aimed at merging the various aid centers that existed at the time. Each town, district, religious order then had its own institution. This work contains, city by city, the institutions that must meet and the list of related edicts and decrees.
CHAMPOLLION, Jean François.
Précis du système hiéroglyphique des anciens égyptiens, ou Recherches sur les élémens premiers de cette écriture sacrée.
Paris, Treuttel et Würtz, 1824.
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6000 €
First edition.
Decoding of the hieroglyphic language by Champollion.
The Rosetta Stone, brought back by the Napoleonic expeditions to Egypt, gave the same text in three different languages, it is the key that gave Champollion the understanding of the language of the ancient Egyptians.
After laying down the principle of phonetic writing in 1822 in his Letter to M. Dacier, he continued his work and his demonstrations until he had an intimate knowledge of this language: "It is a complex system, a writing at the same time figurative, symbolic and phonetic, in the same text, the same sentence, I would almost say in the same word"
His Precis of the hieroglyphic system gives us with many examples an unprecedented understanding of hieroglyphs, thus cutting the grass under the feet of his opponents (and competitors) such as Thomas Young.
The discovery of Champollion suddenly gave humanity access to three millennia of its history.
SAVARY, Jacques.
Le Parfait Négociant ou instruction générale pour ce qui regarde le commerce.
Paris, Jean Guignard, 1675.
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3500 €
First edition.
A famous merchant born in 1622 in Doué (Anjou) from a noble family, Savary became a wealthy merchant and retired from business at the age of 36. He was chosen by Colbert to be one of the writers of the commercial code of 1673 which was called "Code Savary". He wrote in 1675 the "Perfect trader" which is the compilation of the knowledge he had gathered for the drafting of the ordinance. The legal solutions are clear, sensible, practical, honest. The book is a business bible whose importance Max Weber underlined. This work became a classic, reprinted many times and translated into German, English and Italian.
[GALIANI, Ferdinando] || [DIDEROT, Denis].
Dialogues sur le commerce des bleds.
Londres, s.n., 1770.
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1200 €
First edition.
Book revised and published by Diderot from a manuscript by Ferdinando Galiani, in which the latter expresses reservations about the free trade in grain adopted by the edicts of 1763 and 1764.
Galiani is indeed opposed to the export of wheat outside France, while French regions may still experience periods of famine.
This is one of the first criticisms of nascent economic liberalism.
What will be worth to him to be strongly attacked by the spirit of time, Turgot judging that the step of Galiani is representative of the stubborn refusal, and obscurantist, of the scientific novelty.
L'Expansion du commerce extérieur et l'organisation bancaire.
Paris, Delagrave, 1916.
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100 €
First edition.
This work was at the origin of the creation of the French Foreign Trade Bank.
Le Problème monétaire d'après guerre et sa solution en Pologne, en Autriche et en Tchécoslovaquie.
Paris, Recueil Sirey, 1931.
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80 €
First edition.
Publication of the doctoral thesis of Michel Heilperin (1909-1971) was an economist specializing in monetary subjects. Along with William Rappard, Louis Rougier and Ludwig von Mises, he defended liberal theses and opposed Keynesian policies.
La Politique monétaire de divers Pays d'Europe.
Paris, Felix Alcan, 1928.
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50 €
First edition.
Reports from the cycle of conferences organized by students of the free school of Political Sciences (currently Sciences-Po) on European monetary policies.
The world is on the eve of the crisis of 1929.
FISHER, Irving.
Le Pouvoir d'achat de la monnaie.
Paris, Marcel Giard, 1926.
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200 €
First edition in French.
Work devoted to the quantitative theory of money, its history, its method of calculation.
Although these notions had already been explained by Bodin in the 16th century, Irving Fisher was the first to clearly express the quantitative theory of money in the form of an equation: MV=PT.
FISHER, Irving.
L'Illusion de la monnaie stable.
Paris, Payot, 1929.
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80 €
First edition in French.
Preface by Francis Delaisi.
Work written from conferences given in Geneva in 1927, on the eve of the great recession.
Fisher, who was concerned about the stability of the currency established on the gold standard, described exactly what was going to happen in 1929:
"For example, suppose that in ten years from now gold becomes so rare as to reduce our gold reserves to legal percentages; [...] The circulation of goods will quickly gain speed over the circulation of money; the price level will fall, and there will be business depression, unemployment and all the evils which are the inevitable results of considerable deflation" (p.122)
Adopting the gold standard in 1928, France accumulated gold stocks (France's gold reserves increased from 7% of world reserves in 1926 to 27% in 1932) sucking up the world's gold and starting the process described above.
La France et ses colonies (géographie et statistique).
Paris, Ch. Delagrave, 1890.
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150 €
First edition.
Presentation copy.
Catéchisme de la Constitution Républicaine.
Paris, Langlois, An II [1794].
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150 €
Third edition renewed.
Instruction générale pour un régisseur d'une grande terre seigneuriale.
Paris, Gissey, 1760.
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300 €
First edition.
Uncommon brochure giving short instructions for the proper management of a domain. La Poix de Fréminville remained one of the most widely read jurists of his time until the Revolution.
BERTHIER, Louis Alexandre.
Relation de la bataille de Marengo.
Paris, Imprimerie impériale, 1805.
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300 €
octavo edition .
The Battle of Marengo was a watershed moment in the Napoleonic Wars, pitting French forces led by Napoleon Bonaparte against the Austrian army commanded by General Michael von Melas. Berthier, as chief of staff, was responsible for coordinating troop movements, transmitting orders and information between the various army corps and the commander-in-chief (Napoleon) and managing logistics. and communication on the battlefield.
HORN, J. Edouard.
La Liberté des banques.
Paris, Guillaumin et Cie, [1866].
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200 €
First edition.
Work in favor of the liberalization of the right to print money which was (and will remain) the privilege of the Banque de France. The author, "free-banker" as they were called, defends that "There is no reason of principle or case law to exempt fiduciary issuance from common law, to outlaw it from industrial freedom." His book comes in response to the crisis of the Banque de Savoie, during which the Savoyard bank was deprived of the right to coin money after the annexation of the Duchy of Savoy by France.
L'Homme aux quarante ecus.
[Genève], s.n., 1768.
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1750 €
The rare first edition, first issue with the errata.
Voltaire's only work on economics.
Written as a criticism of the physiocracts and the work of Le Mercier de la Rivière in particular, it was sufficiently controversial to be condemned and ordered to be burned by Parliament in 1768.
BONNET, Charles.
Essai Analytique sur les facultés de l'âme.
Copenhage et Genève, Cl. Philibert, 1769.
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300 €
Second edition.
DUPREEL, Eugène.
Les Sophistes: Protogoras, Gorgias, Prodicus, Hippias.
Neuchatel, Editions du Griffon, 1948.
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50 €
First edition.
EBERHARD, Jean Auguste || SOCRATE.
Examen de la Doctrine touchant le salut des payens, ou nouvelle apologie pour Socrate.
Amsterdam, E. Van Harrevelt, 1773.
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125 €
First edition in French.
Eberhard is a German Protestant philosopher and theologian, disciple of Leibniz he was one of the most virulent opponents of Kant.
CERVANTES, Michel de.
Histoire de l'Admirable Don Quichotte de la Manche.
Paris, Delongchamps, 1825.
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250 €
Neat print for this classic of Iberian literature here in the French translation by Filleau de Saint-Martin with an essay on the life and works of Cervantes by M. Auger. The frontispieces are engraved after illustrations by Deveria.
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